We Promise AI
Didn’t Write This

By Cristina Lawrence, Jerry Lawrence, Andrew McKernan, and Adam Buhler • Posted

Opportunities and considerations of large-language models

At the end of 2022, the field of generative Artificial Intelligence drew frenzied attention due to a sequence of astonishing firsts. Now, in 2023, AI is poised for its “iPhone moment.” New use cases, new tools, new impact on society—the digital space is already being flooded with AI-related think pieces and amazement at the rapid bursts of progress.

Platform solutions are literally updating all around us as we speak. While this white paper was published just before the debut of chatGPT and open beta access to Microsoft Bing and Google Bard, we firmly believe the marketing use cases and implications largely remain unchanged.

Generative AI is showing a plausible path to scaled, automated consumer experiences that are not merely substitutes for human interaction but, under the right conditions, can actually improve upon it.

This article discusses the potential of AI to revolutionize marketing, customer service, and the art world, as well as the potential pitfalls of AI-generated content.

Inside, you’ll find:

  • What’s getting disrupted, right now
  • Applications of generative AI marketers can test
  • Current use cases
  • Considerations before deployment
  • A look ahead to the near future

Soon, for the first time, you will have access in your hands to the same tools that enterprise marketing solutions have offered for years. So will everybody else. And there’s no telling how digital marketing—and the world—will transform.

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